“Because ideas have a life cycle, they can be tended to, managed, and harvested like any other crop and we explain how to take advantage of this for your business.”

Meet Bryan Chatman and Stanzel Jackson, co-founders of Fruition Hat Company. Hats have long had a connection with the imagination, allowing their wearers to take on another identity. And you might think that that the name of their company, Fruition, is an excellent fit for a book all about how you can bring your ideas to fruition. But truthfully, Bryan and Stanzel were chosen because their business has lived the lifecycle of ideas.​

What is the lifecycle of ideas? It’s a powerful concept in the Imagination Machine about how ideas move from thought to collective reality in a business context. Because ideas have a life cycle, they can be tended to, managed, and harvested like any other crop and we explain how to take advantage of this for your business. ​​

Role: Art Director and Motion Graphics Designer


In our six-part series, we explore the lifecycle through the real-life case study of Fruition Hat company. It's one that businesses would do well to study. In today’s unpredictable, fast moving world, where competitive advantage decays rapidly, and where routine cognitive tasks will likely be displaced by AI, companies need to harness the capacity of imagination more than ever—to continually reinvent and rejuvenate themselves in the face of disruption and change, in order to grow. ​

In the book, we lay out six strategies based on the emerging science of imagination, in-depth case studies from business, and lessons from neuroscience, philosophy, and technology on how to build an imaginative organization.

Thomas Durante | Associate Creative Director, Art